“花园设计”需要掌握园林 / 庭院设计、植物搭配、施工建造和后期维护等一些列的知识要点。
“花园设计”需要掌握园林 / 庭院设计、植物搭配、施工建造和后期维护等一些列的知识要点。

1. 花园设计技能等级分为六级,从低到高分别为五级、四级、三级、二级、一级、特级。
2. 本证书持有者通过了统一考核,具备该等级所应该达到的技能水平。
1.There are five levels of garden design skills, from low to high, they are level 3, level 2, level 1, advanced, and expert.
2.The holder of this certificate has passed the unified assessment and has the skill level that should be achieved at this level.
2. 本证书持有者通过了统一考核,具备该等级所应该达到的技能水平。
1.There are five levels of garden design skills, from low to high, they are level 3, level 2, level 1, advanced, and expert.
2.The holder of this certificate has passed the unified assessment and has the skill level that should be achieved at this level.
1. 本证书仅供证明花园从业者的职业技能水平之用。
2. 经培训考核鉴定合格方可颁发本证书。
3. 本证书统一印制,盖章后方可生效。
4. 注意保存,丢失不补,涂改无效。
1. This certificate is only for the purpose of proving the professional skill level of flower border practitioners.
2. This certificate can only be issued after passing the training, assessment, and appraisal.
3. This certificate shall be uniformly printed and stamped before it can take effect.
4. Pay attention to preservation, do not make up for lost items, and make alterations invalid.
2. 经培训考核鉴定合格方可颁发本证书。
3. 本证书统一印制,盖章后方可生效。
4. 注意保存,丢失不补,涂改无效。
1. This certificate is only for the purpose of proving the professional skill level of flower border practitioners.
2. This certificate can only be issued after passing the training, assessment, and appraisal.
3. This certificate shall be uniformly printed and stamped before it can take effect.
4. Pay attention to preservation, do not make up for lost items, and make alterations invalid.